Parent Resources

Choosing a school is not an insignificant task. We’ve compiled a variety of resources to help you and your family take the guesswork out of education options in Idaho.

 Parents’ Guide to Idaho’s School and Learning Options

One of the most important decisions parents make in their child’s education and development is selecting the school or academic programs that he or she will attend.

We believe that K-12 education should provide personalize opportunities to meet the needs, interests, and skills of individual students so that they can grow and succeed in college and beyond. We are so grateful to live and work in a state where families have an expanding number of options to choose the learning opportunities that best fit their child’s needs.

 Guía De Padres Para las Opciones de Escuela y Aprendizaje en Idaho

Spanish_Bluum_Parents_Guide_Autumn_2016-Final_Page_01-SMCreemos que la educacíon del Kinder hasta el grado 12 debe proveer oportunidades personalizadas para cumplir con las necesidades, los intereses y las habilidades de los estudientes individuales para que ellos puedan crecer y tener éxito en la universidad y más allá. Estamos tan agradecido de vivir y trabajar en un estado donde las familias tienen un número en expansión de opciones para escoger las oportunidades de aprendizaje que so las mejores para las necesidades de sus hijos.

 Idaho Ed Trends

Ed TrendsIdaho Ed Trends provides data in an easy-to-use format about K-12 public education in Idaho.

The information for this site comes from the most recent publicly available data from the Idaho State Department of Education, the National Center for Education Statistics, and the National Student Clearinghouse.

Idaho Ed Trends is housed and managed by Idaho Education News, a source for comprehensive journalism about public education policy and practice in Idaho.

The data rely on the same metrics and indicators used to assess state, district, school and student performance. Publically available content is free to all users and available for distribution so long as proper attribution is included and privacy of individuals is protected.

Idaho Ed News
Ed NewsIdaho Education News is a comprehensive collection of online sources that provides information about public education in Idaho. The website,, features stories, news and commentary about education policies and practices and the people who create and implement them. Information also is distributed through social media. Idaho Education News is a public awareness services where parents, patrons, educators and lawmakers can find the most useful information on issues that affect Idaho’s children and their future.