Official Statement: The White House’s FY18 Budget and Public Charter Schools
By Terry Ryan
The Idaho Charter School Network would like to join the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools in expressing our appreciation for the proposed $158 million increase in federal dollars for launching and expanding new public charter schools. As a growing state in need of new schools, Idaho’s families and children would benefit from additional spending on new public charter schools.
However, we join our colleagues at the National Alliance in expressing serious concern about the proposed $9 billion cut to the U.S. Department of Education. Specifically, funding cuts to IDEA and Title I Part A formula funds would disproportionately hit our neediest and most vulnerable students. These cuts would have a long-lasting impact on all public schools (district and charter), and their ability to serve all students well. Making significant cuts to K-12 funding while simultaneously increasing funds for new public charter schools would unnecessarily pit public charter schools against public traditional district schools. We fear the losers in this will be our students and their futures.
We ask President Trump and Congress to choose to support all public schools and not to pick charter schools over district schools.